家看得很開心~~請點 SFMOMA
SFMOMA is really big with 7 levels of display. They didnt have time
to look at all the displays, but still had a good time.
The boys did music/homework and played basketball with Jaxon.
They then had July 4th BBQ with Jenny's relatives.
今天晚上大家看柯南DVD.....哇! Sydon居然今天打籃球時扭傷的腳踝,整個包起
來了! Poor Sydon!
Boys watched a Conan DVD. Poor Sydon got hurt with his ankle so
he's all bandaged up!
哇! 今天是美國國慶! 大家都睡得比較晚。孩子們吃點早餐後就開始寫點功課,中午到
West Portal的餐廳用餐。Sydon哥哥的傷勢不是很好,走路還是要靠拐杖。下午去
看了場電影~ID4 星際重生。
Yes! July 4th! They all slept late in the morning. Boys did some
homework before heading over to West Portal for lunch. Poor Sydon
still felt hurt and had to go on crutches.
Then they watched the movie "Independence Day: Resurgence" after
電影看完後,孩子們回家再寫點作業或練習樂器。 今晚,Jenny有 Shoreline
Amphitheater的"SF Symphony煙火秀"的入場券,它的位置在Google總公司的
對面,大夥買In-and-Out burger等煙火秀上演。
After the movie they went home for homework/music practice and had
some ice cream. Jenny got the tickets to the SF symphony fireworks
at the Shoreline Amphitheater. It is right opposite Google main
campus. They stopped by In-and-Out drive-through for some burgers
for dinner.
音樂會8點開始了! 今天的曲目有許多大家耳熟能詳的電影主題曲~Indiana Jones,
Star Wars等等....。接著煙火秀開始了! 請點 煙火秀短片
The symphony started at 8pm and they played a lot of familiar music
like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, etc. They even played the background
music while showing movie clips of Inside Out and ET.
Then the fireworks starts. It was really lovely with the live music
playing at the back and the beautiful fireworks overhead.
才上床睡覺。明天終於開始要去summer camp了! Eason加油! 美國國慶快樂!!
I hope Eason could know more about American culture of
Independence Day from this show. Got back at 11pm and in bed by
11:45. They are all ready for the summer camp tomorrow. Happy 4th
of July!!